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Manchester Dogs Home Fire

Arsonist Targets Rescue Kennels Killing Approx 60 Dogs

This is the opinion Jayne the founder of GSDR who is appalled at the deaths of so many rescue dogs, who should not have died so horribly. I have been vilified by the virtual lynch mobs on social media for having an opinion on this matter, yet clearly, something is very wrong here. How could so many dogs have died when they were in the care of a large rescue centre? How could this rescue centre have profited to the tune of over a million pounds because of their negligence?

On 12th September an unspeakably malicious act resulted in the death of around 60 dogs when a rescue centre was targeted by arsonists.

People were horrified and generously donated around £1.5 million pounds without question.

As the story unfolded, something didn't ring true. How could so many dogs be locked in their prison cells, yet no member of staff was on hand to sound the alarm in the event of an emergency? Why were no alarms fitted? We all know that you only have to burn a slice of toast and the smoke detector goes crazy. If they were fitted, then clearly there was nobody there to hear them.

Why was it down to a police officer outside of the compound, to report this tragedy unfolding? Why did two brave bystanders have to break into the compound and do all that they could to help some of the dogs when the fire had already taken hold and was out of control?

Where were the staff that could help these poor souls as they panicked, clawed, barked, and yelped in their prison cells as the fire raged on, which either suffocated or burned them to death?

The evidence presented by the media suggests there were no staff on hand, there were no smoke detectors or fire alarms, there were no sprinklers.

In 2011, the manager of this rescue made this statement confirming that the home was frequently targeted by vandals and thieves

It was also posted on social media sites that a van belonging to the rescue was vandalised a few days before this tragedy.

This rescue had repeatedly been attacked by thieves and vandals, yet it seems there were no basic measures put in place to protect these poor dogs who suffered so horribly.

According to the Charities Commission website, their filed accounts show that they have nearly 60 paid staff and cash at bank and in hand £1,678,154 - now swelled to around £3m.

Commercial boarding kennels have to be licenced, inspected and are subjected to strict rules and regulations to ensure the safety of the animals in their care as follows:-

* Appropriate steps must be taken for the protection of the dogs in case of fire or other emergencies.

* A proper emergency evacuation plan and fire warning procedure must be drawn up and posted on the premises. This must include
instructions on where dogs are to b evacuated to in the event of a fire or other emergency.

* Fire fighting equipment must be provided in accordance with advice given by the Fire Prevention Officer.

* All electrical installations and appliances must be maintained in a safe condition.

* There must be a residual current circuit breaker system on each block of kennels.

* Heating appliances must not be sited in a location or manner where they may present a risk of fire or risk to dogs.

* Precautions must be taken to prevent any accumulation which may present a risk of fire.

* There must be adequate means of raising an alarm in the event of a fire or other emergency.

* A fit and proper person must always be present to exercise supervision and deal with emergencies whenever dogs are boarded at the

None of these rules and regulations applies to rescue kennels. Why not? Do rescue dogs not matter?

This centre has a contract with the local council to take in strays. Therefore, this is a commercial business, so why did they not have to be inspected and licenced the same way that commercial boarding kennels are?

If these simple rules and regulations had been in place, I'm confident that all of those dogs would be alive today.

The golden rule at my place is that the property is never left unattended, there is always at least one person here.

So it has been reported that this rescue is sending 25 staff for counselling. My question is - why and where were you when these dogs died crying for help, locked in cages from which they could not escape, where they were suffocated by smoke or burned alive because of a failure of duty to care.

What's the betting that the vile, despicable person who set fire to the centre, knew that it was left unattended therefore very vulnerable after hours? Did he know that by the time the fire was spotted from outside the compound, it would already be too late?

For all those that donated this huge amount of money, how do you know it will be used for the benefit of the poor dogs who have the misfortune to end up there? With the same staff and trustees in place, is change likely? Please make sure that the money that has been donated is used to protect the animals housed there from another terrible tragedy like this.

I am deeply upset at the death of these poor dogs whose lives ended in the most frightening and horrific way. It is my personal opinion that these dogs were failed by humans until their very last breath.

RIP little ones, you were betrayed by an evil monster who will no doubt go unpunished and by those in whose care you were entrusted into. Hopefully, you are in a better place.

'the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass... And then you see it. White shores... and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.'

Further damning evidence from Staffy Rescue

Visit to Manchester dogs home

By Kelly Hare on Friday, March 14, 2014, at 12:08 pm

Visit to Manchester dogs home...

We drove five hours to Manchester dogs home on the 12th Feb as we had been told some disturbing things about the centre (I will not call it a rescue) and we needed to see first hand if what we had been told was true.

On arrival at the centre, we asked the receptionist if we could view the dogs to which we were told we could 'go through'. There was no engagement from the receptionist asking the nature of our visit.

We walked through to the kennel blocks and entered the only block unlocked for public viewing. In most kennels were three Staffys or Staffy crosses. we counted 44 adult Staffys just in this portion of the centre. Almost all of the males were visibly unneutered..... looking at the paperwork on the door all of the bitches stated 'unknown' next to the neutering question.

There were three or four young members of staff in the centre who did not ask us if we needed any help, in fact, we felt very much like we were in their way and most unwelcome there. Still, nobody asked us if we were here to adopt,

In one kennel was a small Staffy bitch with teets down to the floor, plainly having been used as a puppy facility though she did not appear to be that old. Her date of arrival was during Nov 2013....

After looking at this block of dogs there were maybe only six or seven dogs in there that were not Staffy at all. There was also a small puppy block at the end that had small dogs in it, there were around 6 in there.

I went back to reception to ask if there was someone we could talk to about the UK Staffy situation. The receptionist looked at me blankly. I asked her if she had any statistics on how many Staffys they had in at the moment and if all the locked blocks of dogs were of a similar ratio of that we had seen. She replied 'I don't know I never go through there'. I asked to speak with management and was told she was busy but was given her email address.

We went back through the kennels to see if a member if staff would talk to us. This girl was pleasant and tried to help at first but clearly became uncomfortable at our questions so took us back through to reception where the manager had materialised.

I don't think I will ever forget this conversation that followed. as a rescuer that is passionate about neutering and that neutering is the key to ALL dog overpopulation problems anywhere in the world my colleagues and I were horrified at the information that came forth.

We asked the adoption procedure for the dogs at Manchester dogs home and were told that a form was filled in and if all questions were answered satisfactorily a dog could be adopted for £75 with no home check and NO neutering of the dog prior to leaving. We were told that they only neuter on a priority basis...of the dogs that were most likely to get bred from.... clearly this did not include all the Staffys we had seen moments before and I do not know ANY breed that would be more likely to be bred! We asked if the cost of neutering could not be included in the adoption fee and were told nobody would pay it and no dog would be moved. I asked if priority neutering was given to males with dominance issues and was told that the centre does not believe neutering has any effect on behaviour. We were told that she didn't want to 'burst our bubble' but nothing can be done about the UK Staffy problem and even if it was it would soon be replaced by the next fad dog, and anyway neutering is not the answer.

My colleagues and I left the centre in a cloud of depression that in a poverty stricken area like Manchester dogs are being sold off to anyone with the cash and with no thought for their aftercare or for the puppies they may well be parenting in the future which will become the next generation of Manchester dogs home inmates... and so the cycle will continue.

All the way home to Norfolk I could not get the staffy bitch that had been used for breeding out of my mind. It broke my heart to think that she may end up back with someone who could breed her yet again. We decided to get someone to go back for her, we could not help all the others but we could at least ensure that she got spayed and rehomed with a proper homecheck and rescue back up. We asked one our colleagues to go back two days later and adopt this dog. Not only would we be saving her from an uncertain fate but we would also prove exactly how easy it is to go there and get a dog with no proper safe guards in place for their future.

At 1pm on Friday the 14th our colleague went to the centre and adopted Tilly. She was asked if she would get her spayed in the future and told them she would. She was asked if she had dogs at home and told them she didn't. She was asked if all members of the household were present and told them she had a daughter that was away at university. She signed two forms, one to confirm her address and another to confirm that she had a daugter that Tilly hadn't met and that Manchester dogs home took no responsibility for them getting along when they met. She walked out of Manchester Dogs home with an unspayed staffordshire Bull Terrier bitch that she could have taken to be mated that very afternoon because Tilly was sold to us on heat!!

What I am asking of you all now is to name and shame any other 'rescues' that allow unneutered staffys (or any breed) back out into society. I would like to compile a list of places to approach and petition to make changes. I would like people to email and call this centre and others to ask them to explain their procedures and lack of policies. I would like their committees challenged and the charity commission contacted to question how a rescue is allowed to call themselves a rescue when they are feeding the problem the rest of us are fighting to solve. If and when this does spread around the internet I would like press contacted and the story covered...indeed I would like this rescue and others forced into such a corner that they MUST neuter all dogs prior to them leaving the centre!!

So, walk in to this rescue with £75 in your hands and walk out with a dog. Given the area, how many of these poor dogs have been used as bait dogs or breeding machines.

This is not rescue and I am disgusted that this centre has seemingly won the lottery for failure of duty to care and are just as responsible for the deaths of around 60 dogs, as the evil monster that started the fire. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

When the media and celebrity circus surrounding this event dies down, perhaps questions will at last be asked. Let us hope there is a proper, thorough investigation and that measures be put in place so that this can never happen again.

If ever proof were needed that money cannot buy you a conscience, Slimy Cowell is it!

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act ~ George Orwell

Donations are all ways welcome

Please help us by making a donation so that we can help re home more unwanted German Shepherd Dogs. Donations can be sent to Jayne Shenstone, German Shepherd Rescue, Little Vauld, Marden Hereford HR1 3HA. We also accept Paypal payments - just click on the Paypal button below. Thankyou.

Please help support the rescue
Please help us by making a donation so that we can help re home more unwanted German Shepherd Dogs. Donations can be sent to Jayne Shenstone, German Shepherd Rescue, Little Vauld, Marden Hereford HR1 3HA. Thank you.